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The founders and hosts of this program are Chris and Phil.  We are recovering addicts that have spent a lot of years fighting our own addictions, and in the spirit of Step 12, we are trying to share our experience, strength and hope with as many people as possible.  We both have certifications in addiction counseling and Phil is close to a degree in Psychology, but we don't have a lot of fancy titles or letters after our names.  We're just two dudes with a camera trying to help people.  What we do have is a lot of experience, with years of running recovery programs at churches, prisons and wherever will let us have a 12-step meeting.  We both currently work at a rehab facility, and Chris has over 10,000 hours of addiction counseling experience.  Between us we have over 30 years of sobriety from drug use.  We've also read a ton of books on addiction and overcoming trauma, along with our fair share of individual and couple's therapy with our respective wives. 


Our goal is to use as many tools as we can think of to help people in their struggle to overcome addiction.  


The centerpiece of our program is The Recovery Channel, which is a series of 52 weekly videos that walk participants through the 12 steps of recovery.  We tried to keep it general enough that it can be used for any number of addictions, including drugs, alcohol, gambling, overeating, pornography and even codependency.  This is possible due to the fact that the 12 steps are not just a way to stop using your drug of choice, but the program introduces a new way of living.  We learn to let go of trying to control everything, including our addiction, and allow a power that is greater than ourselves to guide us.  We take an inventory of our fears, resentments and behaviors and free ourselves from the crippling shame that steals our joy.  Then we identify the things about ourselves that are keeping us from a life of serenity and we get to work on changing them.  


What's different about our program is that we don't strictly follow any of the 12-step programs.  We pull from a number of resources to address the things that pushed us into addiction to start with.  We use cognitive behavior theories and tools to help people identify their emotions and rather than react to them in unhealthy ways, we teach new skills to manage them.  So while we work toward sobriety, we also work toward serenity, peace, joy, and a new way of thinking about ourselves and relating to other people.

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